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Tell Google we want gigabit Internet in Austin!

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gigabit Internet
in Austin!

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Here's an idea for gigabit Internet in Austin!

Austin Google Nonprofit Community Television Channel

channelAustin partners with Google. Take one of the City of Austin’s three community television channels (cable ch. 10, 11, or 16), now managed by channelAustin (http://www.channelaustin.org), and dedicate it to nonprofit generated content. Have Google be a major sponsor of that channelspace and use that revenue to help fund operations. Bring in content from YouTube’s project for Nonprofits (http://www.youtube.com/nonprofits) filtered for Austin & Central Texas. Other content is non-YouTube sources. It’s a win-win. Google gets regularly visibility on an Austin TV channel (that is also streamed). The channel space can also be a platform to discuss ongoing developments of the BigGig project. channelAustin gets a dedicated funding source after local franchise expires in 2011. The channelspace truly becomes a morph of TV and the Internet. And Austin stays out ahead of the pack in terms of cool ideas. Submitted by Stefan Wray. Tweet me at @stefanwray

Posted: March 10, 2010: 6:30 PM